Getting a Player Closer to His Truth

This has tons of culture and team building built into the process. It also hopefully teaches the individual how we want to lie to ourself. And that the self that is Superman starts with some self honesty. In what we teach early on is the battle of Mr Whiner and Superman.

Categorized as Coaching


Sports are supposed to be fun. They are supposed to be about play. Too often we put rules on the process and make it serious. In the photo above how many well intended adults do you know that would try and explain to this child that the items seen. A basketball and a football helmet… Continue reading Play

Categorized as Coaching

Intelligence and Wisdom

[pulsehover_text preset_name=”1″][/pulsehover_text]There is a saying that the  schools are too full of educated idiots.  My bias bell rings true on that one.  And I think any wise man is willing to consider one’s own bias. The smart man learns from his mistakes, the wise man learns from the mistakes of others. Indeed it seems wisdom… Continue reading Intelligence and Wisdom