
How Does a Trainer to the CIA Help a Football Coach?


Chase Hughes teaches you military grade persuasion skills

A football coach, hopefully you know that you are a salesman. And everything you do is to get your players to buy what you are selling. Hopefully what you are selling is worthy of their attention. But that is a talk for another day.

This talk is about how we as people are so easily manipulated and how someone in authority is able to do this with such ease.

How can you build authority that is deserved? Chase takes you through that in this talk. How do we out persuade tyrannical authorities? Listen in.

You see kids these days have been bombarded with daily information from day one. We can at least remember a time when that was not so. So we need to sharpen our messages beyond the hollow authoritarian persona. To be a man of stature that the kids must listen to.

Listen in as I share how I do pattern interrupts to fuel a practice, and Chase uses it to get free coffee. Dude is like James Bond. Seriously!

Just today, one of my players found my Instagram and mentioned my Sunday Sermon.
That is called Social Proof and don’t you think that adds to my authority?

Listen in, this will make you a better coach, a better income, and a better spouse.

I drop the transcript and mentioned resources into my business page here.

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